Welcome to allnetadvert.com,This page is for a collection of contact and price list/rate card from various media accross Nigeria to enable us reach you in case any of our clients is interested in advertising his/her product in your platform so that we can have your price detail at our finger tips for for easy advert placement. Are you a marketer or in the marketing department in any of the following media; Radio, Television, Newspaper, GSM Network, web blogs.? Allnet Technology - Advertising Agency requires your partnership to enable us have an easy access to advertise our numerous customers' adverts in your organization as well as reaching every media house in Nigeria as our clientele grow bigger in all axis of Nigeria, please give us your;
2. price list or Rate Card (send to info@allnetadvert.com )
3. Account details (We do not accept personal account)
4. Agency Commission level (25% and above)
Kindly fill the form below to register as a media partner.